This article will take you through how to trigger a NTCIP call when the number of pedestrians in the crosswalk meets and/or exceeds a specified value. If you would like to trigger a NTCIP call when any number of pedestrians are in the crosswalk, see this sample NTCIP configuration guide instead.
Sample Presence Event JSON:
"imageSize": {
"x": 1264,
"y": 720
"objectType": "car",
"sensorData": {
"active": true,
"numObjectsInRegion": 3,
"object": {
"confidence": 0.67083024978637695,
"enteredOn": 1632237441457,
"inferenceConfidence": -0.10000000149011612,
"objectType": "car",
"trackerConfidence": 0.67083024978637695,
"uniqueId": 13260042503639269394
"startOn": 1632237440818
"sensorName": "PRESENCE_CAR_1",
"sensorType": "presence",
"streamId": "0",
"timecollected": "2021-09-21 15:17:21.458",
"uniqueId": "80e5171f-0a2f-43e2-9072-70055dc1d310",
"version": 2
First, ensure that there is a presence sensor monitoring the crosswalk of interest. Note the presence sensor name (i.e. PRESENCE_PERSON_1) that you would like to have trigger the NTCIP calls.
Next, follow the instructions at this Knowledge Base article to configure NTCIP calls on entry/exit into the presence sensor.
Now, to modify the entry NTCIP call so that it is only triggered when a certain number (or more) of pedestrians are present, add an additional sensorData filter per the guidelines below:
for numObjectsInRegion value < 10:
[X-9] : any number X and above, until 9
[1-9]\d{1,} : any number 10 and above
regex = [X-9]|[1-9]\d{1,}
trigger whenever numObjectsInRegion >= 4, add sensorData filter:
Regex for numObjectsInRegion value >= 10, (and <100):
X : first digit of value (i.e. value=28, X=2)
Y : second digit of value (i.e. value=28, Y=8)
Z = X+1
regex = [X-9][Y-9]|[Z-9]\d{1,}
trigger whenever numObjectsInRegion >= 12, add sensorData filter: